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2023 CIO Awards Finalists

New Zealand CIO of the Year
Emerging ICT Leader of the Year
Business Transformation through Digital and ICT
Community Tech Champions
Best ICT Team Culture & Inclusion
Sustainability Through Technology
Outstanding Contribution to Technology and Business in New Zealand
New Zealand CIO of the Year

New Zealand CIO of the Year

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Sean Bishop

Chief Digital Officer, Chapman Tripp

Sean’s leadership style is centred on a client-centric culture that places the client’s success at the centre of everything Chapman Tripp does. He champions open communication and collaboration and believes that this is pivotal to people embracing a shared purpose and goals. Through his leadership his team understands how the ICT strategy links to the business strategy and he encourages continuous learning to reach their career aspirations. Sean has promoted a team culture that encourages his team to ask questions and identify pathways, mentoring other team members for them to contribute more fully as a group and individually. He has regular, interactive sessions with senior leaders across the firm to ensure everyone understands the role of ICT in the business strategy. Through his leadership, his IT team has delivered huge advancements in several areas by taking bold moves to completely modernise core systems that deliver on Chapman Tripp’s transformation goals. His IT team prides itself as being open and collaborative. We are now seen as a trusted business partner to collaborate and engage with rather than a traditional service provider. Sean continues to build strong relationships alongside open and transparent communication to break down the barriers and encouraging our technology teams to think about our strategic priorities as one rather than as a siloed IT area.

Miles Fordyce

Chief Digital Officer, Real Estate Institute of NZ

The evolution of the digital strategy and transformation at REINZ really accelerated when Miles took on the role as Chief Digital Officer in 2021. He challenged technology decisions, the direction, and ability to execute effectively, looking to the industry for best practice to transform and pivot the digital strategy 180 degrees, and realign it towards the business strategy. Inheriting a substantial multi-year digital transformation programme, Miles took decisive action to reset towards a new Digital Strategy that would not only underpin the organisational strategy, but also help setup capabilities that would strengthen the long-term capabilities of the organisation and result in a full business transformation outcome. This was done in a fraction of the time and cost of the original plan. Miles has a strategic mindset and a natural ability to question and challenge the status quo, look for external factors, look for market and product disruption, and pivot. As a result of the reset Miles was able to shift REINZ’s digital and data strategy to focus on data as being a core asset; promoting innovation for the industry, and creating new commercial and technologically disruptive opportunities around data, focusing on innovation and choice for REINZ’s members. As a result of Miles’s leadership, his team and the wider REINZ business transitioned through a period of change to position the organisation for success through disruption and innovation.

Angela Nash

Chief Information & Technology Officer, New Zealand Rugby Commercial

NZ Rugby Commercial (NZRC) manages the commercial activities related to rugby to enable a laser focus on their customers and delivering commercial success back to rugby in New Zealand. They live by Te Ara Rangatira, the four pou of The Rugby Way – Be Welcoming, Be Our Best, Be Passionate and Play Fair. As the Chief Information and Technology Officer, Angela set a goal for NZRC to be the leaders in utilising technology inside rugby in previously not-seen-before ways and creating back-end systems that deliver world-class capability to commercial and rugby teams both on and off the field.  These ambitions led Angela and her team to focus on the data landscape, launching a Data Centre of Excellence (DCoE) and Data Governance Committee with representation from all business units and key stakeholders. The team undertook a full re-architecting and re-building of the data warehouse and SSO solution to scale rapidly. Along with other innovative products this work enabled Angela to drastically move forward technology within NZRC, as a true partner and enabler to the business. Angela hires smart people and lets them be smart, enabling autonomous action for the entire team by creating supportive systems and processes. Deliberately open communication allows for a hightrust, empowered environment and her leadership style promotes a trusted environment where the team can openly challenge and debate outcomes in a healthy way. As a result of Angela's vision and leadership technology inside NZ Rugby is unrecognisable from only a few years ago and provides a platform for more some exciting plans on what comes next.

Michael Oulsnam

Chief Digital Officer, University of Canterbury

One of Michael's first action when he joined the University of Canterbury (UC) as Chief Digital Officer,  was to lead the development of a Digital Vision and orientate planning to ensure there was a clear alignment to UC's strategy.  Consulting with the Digital Governance Board, Michael used a democrative approach, forming its own strategy team and co-creating the Digital vision with representative groups from across UC. Now the Digital Vision of UC is described as “a strategic enabler to deliver relevant, distinctive and world class learning, research, and collaborative experiences to a global audience". This is underpinned by an empowering workplace experience that enables its people by digitally embracing Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga, and Tiakitanga. Building a trusted partnership and reputation for delivery with the University has been key in the successful transformation.  Michael and his team now work hand in hand with UC’s strategy team to ensure all digital services product investments and projects are aligned into UC’s strategy. Michael describes his approach to leadership as adaptive, while being alert and ‘situation sensing’. He has demonstrated a democrative approach to leadership, empowering his teams to make decisions, to feel safe to express their opinions, to be listened to and know they have participated in decisions he needs to make.  He see's his role as guiding the tiller, while his team is the engine in making their transformation a reality.

Emerging ICT Leader of the Year

Emerging ICT Leader of the Year

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Farhein Akmal

ANZ Bank

Recently joining the ANZ bank, Farhein is part of the enterprise BI team in the Data and Analytics Department, enabling her colleagues and customers to achieve better business outcomes, through fit for purpose, reusable, and actionable insights. In her previous role, as a senior analyst at the Ministry of Health, Farhein showed her capabilities as an emerging ICT leader. She led the development of a comprehensive health dashboard aimed to provide a systematic overview of the health of New Zealanders while addressing the focus on equity in healthcare. For Farhein leadership is about empowering herself and others to actively contribute to improving the nation's healthcare system for better health outcomes. From collaborating across cross functional teams to communicating insights to policymakers and ministers, Farhein is an advocate for data-driven decision-making. She plays an active role in mentoring and guiding colleagues, sharing her expertise and knowledge on utilising technology fordata analysis and interpretation. Through this advocacy, engagement with business leaders and raising awareness of the benefits of the use of ICT indata analysis that Farhein has demonstrated her leadership qualities.

Alex Corkin


Before his recent move to Datacom, Alex introduced significant changes in other organisations that shaped his growth into an emerging ICT leader.  At Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC) he identified to create collaboration between departments and creating new operating model concepts. As a platform architect he led Smart Wearables Integration with MINDA, a high-profile project where managing complex stakeholders was critical to success and fast deployment.  In his next role, at startup FarmIQ, Alex designed and implemented a regular product development lifecycle, turned around the software delivery process and introduced a culture of data-informed decision-making and learning. Though his ability to solve complex problems involving of people, process, technology, and the intersection of humanity and technology, Alex is focused on broadening his impact by seeking out ever more significant challenges in ever more challenging roles in his journey to ICT leadership.

Tom Caunce

University of Canterbury

Tom's career path reflects a relentless pursuit of IAM excellence, from consultancy to leadership. In his role as Product Manager for Identity and Access Management at Canterbury University, Tom led product initiatives, collaborating with diverse teams, to deliver innovative solutions while ensuring a strategic alignment of digital products with university goals and customer needs. As part of the IAM transformation Tom led the transition strategy, coordinating between various stakeholders, managing resources, and ensuring alignment with the overarching digital vision and strategy of the University. Tom makes it a point to communicate the value of ICT to non-technical stakeholders, translating complex technical concepts into business terms and value, driving buy-in for ICT initiatives and investment. To Tom, leadership is more than promoting ICT as implementing technology. It's about communicating its business value and recognising that technology is as much about people and organizational culture as it is about machines.

Business Transformation through Digital and ICT

Business Transformation through Digital and ICT

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Auckland Council

Auckland Council's ICT Innovation team developed a low cost, high impact solution using a data telemetry network, open source and real-time data reporting technologies. It was designed to enable efficiency, planning, and decision-making, delivering a triple bottom line of business value, environmental impact (animal welfare, native bird protection, stream water quality) and community empowerment. Testing the solution took the team to remote off grid locations where traditional network or power options were unreliable and patchy such as valleys where streams and pest traps are often located. As a result of this initiative Auckland Council has created a foundation for future innovations such as water resource monitoring, waste processing, and building energy/carbon impact reporting. From generating value of real-time data to create insights, improve business processes and inform decisions, it is changing the organisation's approach realise the opportunities for to deliver operational improvements and track progress towards a sustainable future.

Fisher & Paykel Appliances

Fisher & Paykel Appliance’s business transformation is focused on streamlining processes, optimising workflows, and customer-centric strategies, to accelerate business performance while and capturing market opportunities. It is driving transformation through its Agency Model Transformation program which focuses on providing premium customer experiences across all touchpoints, understanding their needs, eliminating non-value adding activities, streamlining processes, and optimising operational efficiency. By leveraging innovative digital solutions, data insights, and agile methodologies, Fisher & Paykel is innovatively revamping various aspects of the organisation. Through the transformation program the team overcame several challenges including system integration complexities, change management, and ensuring seamless collaboration across cross-functional teams. Upskilling employees was critical to adapt to the changing technological landscape. Substantial investment was made to equip employees with the right digital skills and empowered to ensure a smooth transition, while fostering a culture of innovation and continuous learning.

ProCare Network Limited

ProCare’s mission is to reimagine healthcare to deliver the most progressive, proactive, and equitable health and wellbeing services in Aotearoa New Zealand. GPs and Nurses are the trusted frontline of Aotearoa’s health system. But this workforce is under massive pressure from growing demands for health care while facing ever growing administrative workloads and there is a significant impact on workforce burden, workload, burnout, and dissatisfaction. In this business transformation ProCare’s Unsupervised Digital Assistants initiative is tied to that mission, championing equitable outcomes by addressing unmet needs and integrated care through innovation and technology. The technology improves GP workforce capacity by releasing clinicians from administrative tasks to focus on patient and whānau and enabling self-empowerment to manage hauora. It also supports innovation through automation improving disease screening rates and identifying high needs patients that need wrap around care earlier with the digital becoming both a metaphorical and literal lifesaver.

Real Estate Institute of NZ (REINZ)

REINZ created a transformation initiative to overcome several critical issues that were holding the organisation back, including legacy systems, digital channel UX, digital metrics, data access and investment based on a legacy mindset lacking innovation and disruptive pathways. A shift in approach to transformation by the CDO saw the timeframe to implement the transformation program reduced from years to months, significantly reducing the benefit realisation. To enable the transformation, REINZ redefined nearly every business process, enhanced its’ digital channel access and introduced a fully integrated suite of products. It also created a disruptive industry model building an ecosystem whereby innovation, creativity and choice was provided to REINZ’s members, and which also included a new Automated Valuation Model (AVM) for the Real Estate Market.  As a result, REINZ was able to deliver a significant transformation to the business operating model while delivering a complete rebrand and provide significant impact to its members though enhanced digital services.

Community Tech Champions

Community Tech Champions

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Manaiakalani Education Trust

Aimed at addressing the digital divide, the Equity Digital Operating Service (EDOS) reduces digital inequity across the whānau of school-aged children and enables learning to continue at home. Commissioned by the Ministry of Education and supported by Fusion Networks, EDOS enables internet connectivity at no cost and a Whānau Support Hotline to resolve technical issues, thus providing a ‘one stop support shop.’ EDOS is a proactive intervention service which manages communications with an audience that is “hard to reach” whilst managing commercial internet providers who are configured for low touch support with an expectation that their customers are knowledgeable about technology. Without the intervention provided by EDOS those most at risk will continue to be digitally isolated from society and young learners will be further disadvantaged.

Te Aka Toitū Trust

Trust aspires to eradicate the digital divide in the Eastern Bay of Plenty, one of the most economically and socially disadvantaged regions in Aotearoa. One of the founding kaupapa for the Trust is that affordable digital connectivity in the home should be considered a basic human right and ensuring internet access for every student and family connected to the internet means that no-one is left behind. Overcoming immense technical and funding challenges, the Trust has enabled low decile students in Whakatāne and Kawerau to gain access to an affordable device, quality internet connectivity and digital learning that is accessible. Now, the positive impact of connectivity has had a much wider impact beyond connections, including enhanced community wellbeing, health, and social benefit which includes building pride, self-resilience and mana.

Te Kei o Te Waka Tainui

Te Pae Hononga is run by Te Kei o Te Waka Tainui in partnership with Te Rourou, One Aotearoa Foundation. It is a kaupapa designed by whaanau Maaori for whaanau Maaori, aiming to help facilitate digital inclusion by providing an environment where whaanau can connect, learn, and grow together. Cultural connection provides the foundation of the kaupapa delivered within the safety of tikanga and shared spaces, creating high levels of trust and confidence between the whaanau and those journeying with them. The programme impacts multiple generations from ruuruhi learning to manage their health online, to tamariki having access to online education, and entire whaanau learning to stand confidently in their cultural identity. It allows generations to build trust and confidence in the digital world and the benefits it provides, which flows to the following generations, opening opportunities that may have been limited previously.

University of Canterbury

The University of Canterbury is committed to generational and lasting change for those in society who have been historically underrepresented in the tertiary sector. The Analytics for Course Engagement (ACE) tool was developed using technology and automation to change learning trajectories for underrepresented university students, particularly including Māori, Pacific, low socioeconomic backgrounds, and students with disabilities. Alongside pastoral support, the automated interventions form part of a proactive plan that has been shown to create lasting engagement with learning as a critical first step to sustained academic success. ACE was delivered under the University of Canterbury’s student success programme, Kia Angitu, which is committed to inclusive education and widening participation in Higher Education for all and ensuring greater inclusion and success of groups historically that traditionally experience lower rates of tertiary success in underrepresented in the tertiary sector.

Best ICT Team Culture & Inclusion

Best ICT Team Culture & Inclusion

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Corys Electrical

The team culture at Corys Electrical has undergone a major transformation since 2021. The team has created a culture of ownership with leadership encouraging a no blame culture, empowering teams to pursue innovative thinking. The team adopted a clear vision and sense of purpose ensuring team alignment towards common goals, with the customer at the centre of all decisions. Transparent communication alongside an inclusive work environment, enable the team to create a collaborative environment where team members can work together, share knowledge, and support each other. Recognition is an integral part of the team culture and professional development is encouraged through continuous learning and career opportunities. Team members feel empowered to take risks, share their ideas, and experiment with new approaches allowing and encouraging them to challenge the status quo, and develop innovative solutions to meet business goals.

Fisher & Paykel Appliances

The ICT team at Fisher & Paykel Appliances plays a crucial role in the company's success by supporting its business operations and enabling innovation through technology. Using a highly collaborative Agile matrix structure, each digital initiative is composed of cross-functional teams across IT and the organisation. This was evident in the Agency Model Transformation Program, a highly complex and challenging project that required extensive collaboration across several departments to achieve outstanding results through agile practices and fostering a strong team culture of collaboration, innovation, and excellence. By promoting development opportunities for existing staff and fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion, the leadership team has built a highly engaged and motivated workforce that is well-equipped to tackle the challenges and digital opportunities ahead.

Southern Cross Travel Insurance

The extensive pressures of the pandemic on the travel industry saw the SCTI's team focus on innovation and transformation to ramp back up to serve its customers better, driven by a “possibilities focus” driven by a responsive and supportive CEO and leadership team. This resulted in the creation of the Digital, Data and Infrastructure Team, bringing all the digital roles together in one group, with a focus on enhanced digital delivery, customer experience and connection to business outcomes. A new KPI structure was created, where digital delivery has direct links to the vision and success markers for the business. The team changes were designed from the ground up, with the ICT staff moving to a devops model and a one team approach. Transparency, inclusiveness and interrelationship of goals between the team has brought about a huge shift in team engagement in less than a year and a remarkable cadence of delivery, with quick delivery of new digital products and enhanced customer benefits.

Sustainability Through Technology

Sustainability Through Technology

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Auckland based technology leasing specialist Quadrent is aiming to solve two ESG problems in Aotearoa. First, 120,000 students lack access to a digital device for their education, exacerbating digital inequality and impacting learning. Secondly, only 4% of e-waste is properly recycled in Aotearoa, with most going to landfill. Quadrent utilises the leasing model to create a circular economy product, the Quadrent Green Lease. Customers donate 20% of their leased devices, such as laptops, to students from communities in need. At the end of the school year the student returns the device, where it can be passed to the next student or properly recycled if it has reached end of life. 

Christchurch City Council

Christchurch City Council (CCC) Smart Christchurch programme co-creates and trials innovative solutions and approaches for the city. The Smart Christchurch team is successfully delivering a programme of initiatives that focus on improving environmental outcomes in the council area. These initiatives include water quality monitoring, earthquake sensing, rubbish bin contents sensing, and early fire detection network to name a few. Smart Christchurch’s initiatives enable better decision making and response. For example, responding to a river pollution event, understanding at-risk places after an earthquake, making rubbish collection more efficient, and responding faster and more safely to forest fire events.

ONE New Zealand

One New Zealand, in conjunction with Te Rourou One Aotearoa Foundation, the philanthropic arm of One New Zealand, has launched a program to address digital equity in Invercargill.   Toitū te Toki takes donated corporate laptops and refurbishes them to provide students with the technology they need for education. Rather than donating devices directly to schools, the foundation loans them, ensuring devices are not lost or broken. This provides businesses with a means for the longest sustainable use of devices. It keeps devices from landfill and aims to reduce the digital divide in New Zealand while empowering young people to explore opportunities in the technology sector. 

Outstanding Contribution to Technology and Business in New Zealand

Outstanding Contribution to Technology and Business in New Zealand

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The recipient of the ‘Outstanding Contribution to ICT in New Zealand’ award, sponsored by Sharp, will also be named at the Awards gala dinner in August.

This award is given to a high-profile person, or team, whose contribution has significantly and uniquely impacted the greater New Zealand or global business/tech community, through technology, over the course of their career.


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